FO: Möbius Cowls

I feel like I've been on a production line of knitting recently! I've produced 4 möbius moss stitch cowls for Christmas presents. 

All are cast on with 124 sts using a möbius cast on. I used the opportunity to try out a few different types of möbius cast on.
The silver and purple ones are cast on using Cat Bordhi’s moebius cast on. I liked the relatively simple way of casting on but the first row was very tight and difficult to do. This seemed to cause the stitches to stretch very slightly but enough for me to notice it!

The silver/white and the silver/pink are cast on using a different möbius cast on, which is Alternating Cast-On for Moebius from June Hemmons Hiatt’s “The Principles of Knitting”. The provisional cast on used for the centre is very similar to Judy's Magic Cast On.

  • The upside of this one was I found it really easy to do and the first row was worked easily without stretching anything.
  • There were no loose stitches, however, I tried to make an alternating knit/purl start but couldn’t figure it quickly so just did the knit in the end. This meant that the middle row was knit on one side and purl on the other. This creates a visible line in the moss stitch but, to be honest, I think both methods do this to some degree.
  • One downside was needing 2 circular needles of the same size; if you had interchangeables it would be possible to have one set and use stoppers until you can remove the 2nd circular. I much preferred to do the 2nd method.


  1. Hello,
    How can I do a two by two ribbing mobious? At the end of the round, I end up with either four purls, or four knit stitches back to back. Is that how the "math works with a mobious?

  2. Normally with 2x2 ribbing you'll need a multiple of 4 stitches, but because you're doubling up the edges then it needs to be a multiple of 8. Hopefully that should work out for you.

    1. Does that mean that a 1x1 ribbing mobious requires a multiple of 4?

    2. Yes - same goes for moss stitch or any stitch pattern, double the stitch multiple.


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